OFA & PennHIP Evaluations
Ensure your dog's hips are healthy
OFA - Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
PennHIP - The University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program
Both organizations are not-for-profit groups dedicated to reducing the occurrence of Canine Hip Dysplasia- CHD (Excessive wear and tear of the joint, eventually leading to the development of arthritis).
What is the Difference Between OFA and Penn Hip?
OFA radiographs are taken to evaluate how well the hip joint conforms. This radiograph is taken of the pelvis, from the abdomen (belly) down to the back.
Penn HIP- The radiographs that are taken are used to measure how much laxity (how much movement or play) is in the hip joint. In the first view, the femoral heads are pushed into the joint socket. In the second view the hips are pushed down and out with a special device. Neither position causes damage or discomfort.
What Happens During a Radiograph Take for Hip Evaluation?
For both OFA and Penn HIP evaluations, dogs must be completely relaxed, and for the comfort and safety of everyone involved dogs must be sedated or anesthetized. Both evaluate an extended view, with the legs pulled out straight to evaluate for any existing arthritis. OFA measurements are made from this radiograph, where Penn HIP measures off the procedure described above.
What are the Benefits for Me to Evaluate My Dog's Hips?
By evaluating your dog’s hips at an early age (2 years old for OFA, as young as 16 weeks for Penn HIP) we can predict susceptibility to developing hip dysplasia and the development of arthritis at a later age. It is especially important to evaluate dogs that will potentially be bred to help decrease the occurrence of hip dysplasia in future generations.
Where Can I Find More Information?
Visit OFA at http://www.offa.org.
Visit Penn HIP at http://www.pennhip.org.
Schedule a Consultation Today
Please call us at (262) 377-2460 if you have any questions about PennHIP evaluations, or if you would like to schedule a consultation for your dog.