Treating sick and injured pets with diagnostics.
At Cedarburg Veterinary Clinic, our goal is to keep your pet happy and healthy. Thanks to modern diagnostics and our on-site laboratory, we're able to do just that for sick and injured pets.
Our extensive laboratory allows our doctors access to same-day results, which means treatment for your pet can begin sooner. We offer a variety of testing such as urinalysis, intestinal parasite detection, external parasite detection, cytology, and more. We can process blood tests such as feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, canine and feline heartworm disease, tick-born diseases, and organ function screens (including pre-anesthetic bloodwork).
Learn more about our diagnostic services here:

Pet Digital Radiology
Digital x-rays assist in diagnosing illness & injury.
OFA & PennHIP Evaluations
Ensure your dog's hips are healthy
Digital Thermal Imaging
Early detection and prompt treatment of chronic medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis.
Pet Ultrasound
A non-invasive way to diagnose sick & injured pets.
Dog Genetic Testing
Discover your dog's breed.